10 Argonne Physics Division - Theory Group

XXII Midwest Theory Get-Together, 23 & 24 October 2009.

This XXIInd meeting in the series is being organised by Alex Brown , brown@nscl.msu.edu, Pawel Danielewicz, danielewicz@nscl.msu.edu, and colleagues at Michigan State University
  • As usual, the meeting will start at 1:00 PM on the Friday, with presentations in Building 203, in the Auditorium at Argonne National Laboratory.
  • Planning: Thankyou to all those from whom we received responses to the initial mailings. They were very helpful in finalising the dates.


The talks are limited to ten minutes and may address recent publications, work in progress, or rough ideas.

Pawel has decided to allow power PowerPoint or similar presentations. If you plan to employ this hammer to crack your egg, then, on the eve of the meeting, you must send your presentation, not more than 5 slides long, to Pawel Danielewicz at danielewicz@nscl.msu.edu.

List of Registered Participants in 2009.

Past Get-Togethers