The 12th Heavy Ion Accelerator
Technology Conference (HIAT2012) will be held in Chicago, Illinois USA
June 18-21, 2012. The conference will be hosted by Argonne National
Laboratory and will be held at the Chicago History Museum, 1601 North Clark Street, located near the intersection of North Avenue and North
Clark St., at the south end of Lincoln Park near downtown Chicago.
HIAT is an international conference
dedicated to the design, construction, development and operation of
heavy-ion accelerators and their components. It focuses on the
operational experience of existing facilities, achievements in
heavy-ion accelerator physics and technology, progress on the
implementation of new projects and infrastructure upgrades, and trends
in the proposal and design of heavy ion accelerators as well as their
main systems and components.
Final Program
High-Mass RIB Workshop
A preliminary version of the proceedings may be found here. They
will be posted to the JACoW websites within a couple weeks at which
time the link here will be updated.