Filip Kondev


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Filip Kondev


Ph.D. 1997 Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
M.Sc. 1988 Plovdiv University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria


2004 – present Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory
2001 – 2004 Assistant Physicist, Argonne National Laboratory
1999 – 2001 Postdoctoral Associate, Argonne National Laboratory
1997 – 1999 Postdoctoral Associate, Florida State University
1988 – 1993 Junior Research Fellow, JINR, Dubna, Russia

Selected professional activities

since 2013 LANSCE (LANL) Program Advisory Committee
since 2009 GAMMASPHERE User Executive Committee
2008 – 2011 ANL Director Postdoctoral Fellowship Committee
since 2002 U.S. Nuclear Data Program Coordination Committee

Research interest

nuclear data, nuclear structure, nuclear astrophysics, applications of nuclear science

Selected recent publications

Review of Metastable States in Heavy Nuclei
G.D. Dracoulis, P.M. Walker and F.G. Kondev, Prog. Rep. Phys. 79 (2016) 076301.

Configurations and hindered decays of K isomers in deformed nuclei with A>100
F.G. Kondev, G.D. Dracoulis and T. Kibedi, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 103-104 (2015) 50-105.

The NUBASE2016 evaluation of nuclear properties
G. Audi, F.G. Kondev, M. Wang, W.J. Huang and S. Naimi, Chin. Phys. C41 (2017) 030001.

The AME2016 atomic mass evaluation (II). Tables, graphs and references
M. Wang, G. Audi, F.G. Kondev, W.J. Huang, S. Naimi, and X. Xu, Chin. Phys. C41 (2017) 030003.

Precise absolute g-ray and b-decay branching intensities in the decay of 67Cu29
J. Chen, F.G. Kondev et al., Phys. Rev. C92 (2015) 044330.

Nuclear Data Sheets for A=209
J. Chen and F.G. Kondev, Nucl. Data Sheets 126 (2015) 373.

Configurations and decay hindrances of high-K states in 180Hf
S.K. Tandel, P. Chowdhury, F.G. Kondev et al., Phys. Rev. C94 (2016) 064304.

In-beam g-ray spectroscopy studies of medium-spin states in the odd-odd nucleus 186Re
D.A. Matters, F.G. Kondev et al., Phys. Rev. C96 (2017) 014318.

94b-Decay Half-Lives of Neutron-Rich 55Cs to 67Ho: Experimental Feedback and Evaluation of the r-Process Rare-Earth Peak Formation
J. Wu, S. Nishimura, G. Lorusso, P. Möller, E. Ideguchi, P.-H. Regan, G.S. Simpson, P.-A. Söderström, P.M. Walker, H. Watanabe, Z.Y. Xu, H. Baba, F. Browne, R. Daido, P. Doornenbal, Y.F. Fang, G. Gey, T. Isobe, P.S. Lee, J.J. Liu, Z. Li, Z. Korkulu, Z. Patel, V. Phong, S. Rice, H. Sakurai, L. Sinclair, T. Sumikama, M. Tanaka, A. Yagi, Y.L. Ye, R. Yokoyama, G.X. Zhang, T. Alharbi, N. Aoi, F.L. Bello Garrote, G. Benzoni, A.M. Bruce, R.J. Carroll, K.Y. Chae, Z. Dombradi, A. Estrade, A. Gottardo, C.J. Griffin, H. Kanaoka, I. Kojouharov, F.G. Kondev et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 118 (2017) 072701.

Total absorption g-ray spectroscopy of the b-delayed neutron emitters 87Br, 88Br, and 94Rb
E. Valencia, J.L. Tain, A. Algora, J. Agramunt, E. Estevez, M.D. Jordan, B. Rubio, S. Rice, P. Regan, W. Gelletly, Z. Podolyak, M. Bowry, P. Mason, G.F. Farrelly, A. Zakari-Issoufou, M. Fallot, A. Porta, V.M. Bui, J. Rissanen, T. Eronen, I. Moore, H. Penttila, J. Aysto, V.-V. Elomaa, J. Hakala, A. Jokinen, V.S. Kolhinen, M. Reponen, V. Sonnenschein, D. Cano-Ott, A.R. Garcia, T. Martınez, E. Mendoza, R. Caballero-Folch, B. Gomez-Hornillos, V. Gorlichev, F.G. Kondev et al., Phys. Rev. C95 (2017) 024320.