Theory Symposium on Rare Isotope Accelerator Science
April 28 - May 2, 2003
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois


Dear Colleagues,

The Theory Group in the Physics Division at Argonne is hosting a week-long Theory Symposium on Rare Isotope Accelerator Science, April 28 through May 2, 2003. This is a one-week series of lectures focusing on the theoretical issues that make RIA necessary.

There will be two lectures per day: 10:00am - 11:30am and 1:00pm - 2:30pm, with speakers having one hour, and the remaining time allotted for questions and discussion.

On the fifth day, Friday May 2, the Division has scheduled a related colloquium:

F.K. Thielemann
Theoretical Nuclear Astrophysics Group
University of Basel, Switzerland

Details of the PHY colloquium series are available at:

The Symposium will cover four main themes, which are represented by the people identified:

Neutron Matter
Jensen (Aarhus)
Pandharipande (Urbana-Champaign)
Nuclei at the Extremes
Dobaczewski (Warsaw U.)
Nazarewicz (U. of Tennessee)
Otsuka (Tokyo)
Ring (Munich)
Nuclear Physics and the Universe
Beacom (FNAL)
Qian (U. of Minnesota)
Thielemann (Basel)
Testing the Standard Model
Sapirstein (Notre Dame)

In the later part of each afternoon we anticipate organizing "breakout sessions" wherein informal contributions from participants will be welcome.

With this circular we wish to invite and encourage the participation of all interested experimentalists and theorists in the Symposium.

There is no registration fee but, in order to enter Argonne, it is necessary to complete the clearance procedure beforehand. The process takes longer for foreign nationals. We therefore ask that those interested in taking part contact the Theory Group's secretary: Debbie Morrison ([email protected]) so that she may complete the necessary formalities. In addition, Debbie may be able to help with making local travel and accommodation arrangements.

To assist with our planning, we would appreciate early registration, e.g., on or before Friday, March 14. We will not enforce a cutoff date. However, there is an APS Users' Group meeting in the week of the Symposium and, if left too late, accommodation nearby will become difficult to find.

Looking forward to seeing you in April.

Best regards,

Henning Esbensen ( [email protected] )
Craig Roberts ( [email protected] )
Stefan Schramm ( [email protected] )

Local Organizing Committee
Theory Group
Physics Division, Bldg. 203
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439-4843, USA