Description of the element "dtl" for a Drift Tube Linac with external 3D fields Element entry in the lattice file "sclinac.dat": nn dtl len rad vscale harm phase nbcells nstep nn: DTL # for cells information file (DTL.#nn) and field file (eh_DTL.#nn) len: DTL length in cm rad: DTL radius in cm vscale: Voltage or Electric field scaling factor harm: Harmonic number according to the base frequency nbCells: Number of DTL cells nstep: Number of integration steps per cell Example: 1 dtl 415.23247 1.25 1.0 1.0 -45. 60 50 Format of the cell information file: DTL.#nn (DTL.#01 for nn=1), the header has: Cell Length Radius Eflvl E0 Phase Ql-len Qr-len Ql-Bgrd Qr-Bgrd Ectr-Gctr # (cm) (cm) no. (MV/m) (deg) (cm) (cm) (kG/cm) (kG/cm) (cm) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cell: Cell number Length: Cell length (cm) Radius: Cell radius (cm) Eflvl: Electric field factor E0 : Max electric field (MV/m) Ql-len: Length of left quad (half quad) (cm) Qr-len: Length of right quad (half quad) (cm) Ql-Bgrd: Left quad gradiant (kG/cm) Qr-Bgrd: Right quad gradiant (kG/cm) Ectr-Gctr: Shift between the electric and geometric centers of the cell (cm) Format of the 3D field file: eh_DTL.#nn (eh_DTL.#01 for nn=1) ------------------------------------------------------------- Here is the piece of fortran code used to read the eh_DTL.#nn files. Here it is assumed that all the quads are of the same type so we have only one 3D magnetic field table with (Bx,By,Bz). For the electric field we read a 2D table (Er, Ez) for every cell sequentially considering eventual symmetries: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- c ... Open field file only at first cell if (ncell.eq.1) then c ..... Open field file open(1, file=filename, status='old') c ..... Read B field once for all cells read(1,*) icell, d_cell, aperture read(1,*) ksym_x, ksym_y, ksym_z read(1,*) xmini, xmaxi, nxx read(1,*) ymini, ymaxi, nyy read(1,*) zmini, zmaxi, nzz read(1,*) (((bx(i,j,k),i=1,Nxx),j=1,Nyy),k=1,Nzz) read(1,*) (((by(i,j,k),i=1,Nxx),j=1,Nyy),k=1,Nzz) read(1,*) (((bz(i,j,k),i=1,Nxx),j=1,Nyy),k=1,Nzz) xbmn = xmini ybmn = ymini zbmn = zmini xbmx = xmaxi ybmx = ymaxi zbmx = zmaxi nbxx = nxx nbyy = nyy nbzz = nzz if ( .or. .or. & stop ' DTL-Stop: Exceeded B field grid size ' endif c ... Read E field sequentially cell by cell read(1,*) icell, d_elem, aperture, ksym read(1,*) rmini, rmaxi, nrr read(1,*) zmini, zmaxi, nzz if (ksym.eq.0) then ! No Z-symmetry read(1,*) ((ey(1,ir,iz),ir=1,Nrr),iz=1,Nzz) read(1,*) ((ez(1,ir,iz),ir=1,Nrr),iz=1,Nzz) else if (ksym.eq.1) then ! Z-symmetry, first half given read(1,*) ((ey(1,ir,iz),ir=1,Nrr),iz=1,Nzz) read(1,*) ((ez(1,ir,iz),ir=1,Nrr),iz=1,Nzz) do ir = 1, Nrr ! Complete the missing second half do iz = Nzz+1, 2*Nzz-1 ey(1,ir,iz) =-ey(1,ir,2*Nzz-iz) ez(1,ir,iz) = ez(1,ir,2*Nzz-iz) enddo enddo else if (ksym.eq.2) then ! Z-symmetry, second half given read(1,*) ((ey(1,ir,iz),ir=1,Nrr),iz=Nzz,2*Nzz-1) read(1,*) ((ez(1,ir,iz),ir=1,Nrr),iz=Nzz,2*Nzz-1) do ir = 1, Nrr ! Complete the missing first half do iz = 1, Nzz-1 ey(1,ir,iz) =-ey(1,ir,2*Nzz-iz) ez(1,ir,iz) = ez(1,ir,2*Nzz-iz) enddo enddo endif xemn = -rmaxi ! x: -r -> +r yemn = -rmaxi ! y: -r -> +r zemn = zmini xemx = rmaxi yemx = rmaxi zemx = zmaxi*2.d0 ! *2 symmetry nexx = nrr ! just half neyy = nrr ! just half nezz = 2*nzz-1 c ... Consider the possible difference between the cell and E-field lengths if (dabs(zemx-dDTL(ncell)).gt.1.d-6) then zemx = dDTL(ncell) ! force the same length if (dabs(zemx-dDTL(ncell)).gt.1.d-1) ! warning if > 1 mm 1 write(6,*) ' DTL-Warning: Elen-Clen > 1 mm' endif if ( .or. .or. & stop ' DTL-Stop: Exceeded E field grid size ' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: the actual table limits inside TRACK are NXmax=NYmax=25 and NZmax=201, that's why we use symmetry whenever it is possible.