Yields for In-Flight Beams (200-300 MeV/u)

Intensities: These are not the same as for the first kind, since only two of the mechanisms are applicable. For these there are two competing effects:

  1. increased efficiency (since the beams do not have to be stopped and reaccelerated),
  2. On the other hand, isotopic selection must be accomplished in flight, individual ions cannot readily be tagged by counting, as at low intensities, and thus magnets and their momentum and angle acceptances will be different.

What is assumed: The selection magnets were assumed to have smaller momentum acceptance for the above reasons: ± 3% and the same angular acceptance of ± 50 mrad.

The production target thicknesses were optimized for the smaller momentum bites, and the losses from stopping the species are not relevant here, unless energy degraders are used.

Mechanisms: Only Fragmentation and In-Flight Fission are applicable.

All other aspects were assumed to be the same as above.

The estimates for individual elemental production rates are shown graphically here:
  1. He
  2. Li
  3. Be
  4. B
  5. C
  6. N
  7. O
  8. F
  9. Ne
  10. Na
  11. Mg
  12. Al
  13. Si
  14. P
  15. S
  16. Cl
  17. Ar
  18. K
  19. Ca
  20. Sc
  21. Ti
  22. V
  23. Cr
  24. Mn
  25. Fe
  26. Co
  27. Ni
  28. Cu
  29. Zn
  30. Ga
  31. Ge
  32. As
  33. Se
  34. Br
  35. Kr
  36. Rb
  37. Sr
  38. Y
  39. Zr
  40. Nb
  41. Mo
  42. Tc
  43. Ru
  44. Rh
  45. Pd
  46. Ag
  47. Cd
  48. In
  49. Sn
  50. Sb
  51. Te
  52. I
  53. Xe
  54. Cs
  55. Ba
  56. La
  57. Ce
  58. Pr
  59. Nd
  60. Pm
  61. Sm
  62. Eu
  63. Gd
  64. Tb
  65. Dy
  66. Ho
  67. Er
  68. Tm
  69. Yb
  70. Lu
  71. Hf
  72. Ta
  73. W
  74. Re
  75. Os
  76. Ir
  77. Pt
  78. Au
  79. Hg
  80. Tl
  81. Pb
  82. Bi
  83. Po
  84. At
  85. Rn
  86. Fr
  87. Ra
  88. Ac
  89. Th